Type CIA405.STATE describes the state of the CANopen network layer, as defined in /DS-301/. The states INIT, RESET_COMM, RESET_APP, PRE_OPERATIONAL, STOPPED, OPERATIONAL correspond to the same states in /DS-301/. The state UNKNOWN must be used, if the actual state of the device is not known (in example, if no guarding of the device is performed). The state NOT_AVAIL must be used, if it is known, that the device is not available (in example, if guarding is performed and the device does not answer).
The state, delivered by ⇘ CIA405.GET_STATE, is:
- If node guarding / heartbeat is not active for the selected DEVICE: UNKNOWN (6) (even if a boot-up message is received)
- If heartbeat is active but the NMT-master is not the Heartbeat-Consumer: UNKNOWN (6).
- If node guarding / heartbeat is active and the device reports its NMT state:
reported NMT state (value, defined in DS301 V4.02 chap. "Error Guarding Protocol") |
CIA405.STATE (value, defined in DS405 V2.0 chap. "Data types") |
Initialization (0) |
INIT (0) |
Pre-Operational (127) |
Operational (5) |
Stopped (4) |
- If node guarding / heartbeat is active and the device does not report its NMT state correctly before timeout, i.e. "node life time" (Nodes Guarding Protocol) respective "Heartbeat Consumer Time" (Heartbeat Protocol): NOT_AVAIL (7)