value/ range |
Description |
No error There is no error notified by the CANopen kernel. The output DEVICE is invalid and may contain any value. Nevertheless it is possible, that a SDO-Abort or EMCY message was received from some device; see CIA405.SDO_READ/WRITE and CIA405.RECV_EMCY, -DEV. |
Other error If there is a "further error register" - output at the called function block, this output contains more specific information, e.g. at function blocks CIA405.SDO_READ and ⇘ CIA405.SDO_WRITE, were the contents of the SDO-Abort message is delivered. At function blocks CIA405.RECV_EMCY_DEV and CIA405.RECV_EMCY, the contents of the received EMCY-message is delivered. At the function block CIA405.GET_CANOPEN_KERNEL_STATE this value never is delivered, because there is no "further error register" - output available. |
16#2 |
Data overflow In case of implemented send- or receive-buffers for CAN objects, it is possible that these buffers get an overflow. |
16#3 |
Timeout A timeout occurs when - for example - a node does not respond to a SDO-request. The time measurement is started when the application puts the request, i.e. at rising edge of ENABLE signal. See also ⇘ Additional parameters. |
16#4 – 16#F |
Reserved for further SDO errors Reserved by CiA. |
16#10 |
CAN Bus off The node is disconnected from the bus. |
16#11 |
CAN Error Passive The node is error passive. The node is able to communicate but not allowed to send an active error flag in case of error detection, i.e. not to disturb the bus communication. Further it waits for 8 Bit-times more than other nodes before it starts another transmission. |
16#12 – 16#1F |
Reserved for further internal errors Reserved by CiA. |
Manufacturer specific Up to 222 manufacturer specific errors (16#21 – 16#FF). This is the value range free to use for the error codes coming up from the lower level software, e.g. from the kernel, drivers, services, operating system, ... . |
16#100 – 16#FFFF
Reserved by CIA |